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In-House Developments


Advanced integration sometime needs complementary development. With the knowledge of products and skills of creation, Bulwarx offers home-made products for expanding solutions. 

Bulwarx Transporter

The transporter is an efficient and user friendly file orchestration solution that allows to process list of files from a source port through engines like OPSWAT MetaDefender Core, Bulwarx Data REST API, etc…

Based on the process results (allowed, blocked, failed), the files are moved to destination folders.



The transporter provides an advanced profiles feature that allows a single instance to manage multiple source folders in a very high load. It scans periodically storage and directories for malicious files (by using the OPSWAT MetaDefener Core technology) and/or for data leak (by using the Forcepoint DLP via Bulwarx DLP API). The transporter enables to process only new/changed files and to quarantine malicious files when found.


The transporter provides a functionality called ‘User Exits’, PowerShell scripts giving the possibility to tailored use-cases deployment. These scripts are ease to use by the customers and do not have any dependencies on versions released.



The transporter includes a windows GUI that enables creating/changing the profiles and watch in real time the processing statistics.

Common use-cases description with the transporter can be found here.


Bulwarx Analyzer

Bulwarx Analyzer is a portable client application that enables files processing with the OPSWAT MetaDefender Core technology.

The product allows to choose specific files/folders, scan the virtual memory (all processes currently running on the machine) and run a full scan on them. As a result, the Analyzer provides a PDF detailed summary report.



The most common use-case of Bulwarx Analyzer is to run a full scan on machine while it is offline, combined with pre-made WinPE.

More details in regarding this use-case can be found here.


Bulwarx DLP API

Forcepoint DLP is one of the most popular Data Leakage Prevention solutions globally. It enables users to discover and secure critical data whether they reside on-premise, in the cloud, or on an off-network device.

Bulwarx developed a unique DLP REST service using Forcepoint's official API (the Forcepoint DSI). The solution, which enables the DLP functionality over the standard HTTP/S protocol, allows organizations to integrate DLP file scanning to any 3-Party, device or Operating System.

Using the Bulwarx DLP API significantly reduces the time and effort of development teams from learning and using the native Forcepoint API while giving them the possibility to integrate DLP functionality into their code easily.


Product Highlights:

✓ Built on top of the native Forcepoint API solution (DSI)

✓ Cross-platform API over the HTTP protocol over SSL

✓ Documented by OpenApi 3.0 (Swagger) standard

✓ A web-based portal to scan files on demand via browser

✓ Supports large files

✓ Supports external load-balancer integration

✓ Administrator page with login to control the product settings

✓ Easy to parse JSON responses

✓ And more!

Common use-cases description with the transporter can be found here.

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